How Canon is helping Middlesex University film students prepare for professional life

"We shape and educate future creatives, and in turn Canon does too."

From classroom to career

Middlesex University boasts one of the best Film and Television schools in the country. They wanted to ensure their students had all the tools to seamlessly transition to a career in the industry. By working alongside Canon, they could guarantee that their students were using the best equipment, while also providing them with unique opportunities to build their industry knowledge and stand out from the crowd.

Client: Middlesex University
Location: London, UK


    Within the Higher Education sector, giving your students a competitive edge as they start their career is key.

    To aid their transition from education to a professional career, Middlesex University wanted their students to always be using a portfolio of cine cameras that was contemporaneous with the industry standard. They also wanted to create experiential opportunities for their students to work with and learn from the industry.


    Middlesex University worked alongside Canon to ensure that the equipment they offered their students was never more than three years old – regularly updating their equipment to meet their high internal standards.

    Most recently they upgraded their C-series cameras and lenses – including eight units of EOS C300 Mk III, professional camcorders and a range of CN-E and EF Lenses. They regularly upgrade their equipment to meet their high internal standards.

“We do look at other products, but Canon keeps on winning!”

Best in class

“It just works!” jokes Dan Sosnowski, Head of Technical and Teaching Resources at Middlesex University, when asked about why he chose to work with Canon Cinema EOS cameras and lenses.

The cameras are in constant use from the students – some at the start of their education and others that are just about to graduate. As such, having a portfolio of reliable and intuitive gear that’s industry standard is a vital condition.

“The whole suite of Canon products that we use and make available to our students stand up to rigorous use – and indeed sometimes overuse!

“Students use the kit an awful lot, it never sits on shelves. It’s always out, and as such, we do require equipment that we will not need to repair or service every time it gets back to us.”

Middlesex University was an early adopter of the EOS C300 Mark III, an upgrade that felt like a natural progression.

With a working relationship with Canon that dates back to 2018, the proven durability and excellence of the previous C-series models contributed to the university’s continued commitment to the range.

When quizzed on his favourite features of the Canon equipment, Dan is clear: “Without doubt the flexibility, durability, and the professional aesthetic of the output.

“We do look at other products,” he admits, “but Canon keeps on winning!”


An award-winning relationship

While the excellence of the Canon equipment is the primary criteria for Dan, the relationship between Canon and Middlesex University has certainly grown beyond just business.

“The relationship [with Canon] has evolved to what I would describe as a partnership now,” Dan explains.

He is in regular communication with Nathan Dua, the Education Segment Manager for Canon UK and Ireland.

Dan will explain the needs of the university, and in turn Nathan will use his expertise to best advise on which equipment is needed.

Dan is keen to emphasise the pivotal role that Nathan plays in the relationship, and likewise Nathan understands the importance of Canon to Middlesex University.

“We’ve done ‘Canon on Campus’ events, where we come in with all our equipment and products so that students and staff can try it out for themselves. We bring industry professionals so students can directly engage and network. We like to try and understand where we can add real value.”

This added value is not lost on Dan.

“We create opportunities for our students to engage with the industry, and Canon being the major brand allows us to broker some of those relationships,” he says. “As such we give our students a footing within the creative industries.”

In fact, so appreciated is Nathan, that in July he was awarded with a Middlesex Medal – an award recognising his work to create unique opportunities for Middlesex University students, as well as for the relationships he brokered between Middlesex University and industry partners.


“It gives our students that employability edge.”


Teaching the filmmakers of the future

For Dan, it is his students, who leave Middlesex University confident that they are best prepared to start their professional journey.

“We shape and educate future creatives, and in turn, Canon does too.

“By establishing that element of trust, we can make our own calculated risks to invest and adopt the new platform, new models and new products.

“It gives our students that employability edge. They have that added string to the bow as they know and understand the industry-standard product.”

Middlesex University also places a lot of importance on the soft skills graduates need. The opportunities provided by Canon for the students at Middlesex University are vital experiences that increase their employability.

“There’s this innate question about the gap between education and industry, and what our graduates ultimately leave the university with: the sort of skill sets, the competencies.

“Our aim is to close that gap or even eradicate it; so, we have ready creatives, filmmakers, fashion designers, photographers going ready into the industry and sharing their imagination and creativity with everybody.

“That is the core, and at the heart of everything that we do here at Middlesex, and it was just great that we have colleagues at Canon that share our vision and understand it and join us on a journey.”


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