A clay-coloured thrush eats a palm fruit in a forest in central Panama in this image by tropical ecologist turned nature photographer Christian Ziegler. Taken on a Canon EOS-1D X Mark II (now succeeded by the Canon EOS-1D X Mark III) with a Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens and Canon Extender EF 1.4x III at 420mm, 1/320 sec, f/4 and ISO1250. © Christian Ziegler
Wildlife photographer and Canon Ambassador Christian Ziegler, a trained tropical ecologist, has worked in rainforests for more than 25 years. The four-time World Press Photo award winner is a founding fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers, and says: "Meaningful work, for me, is all about conservation – not the pretty picture, but the content that helps conserve a species or an area."
Here, in the second of our Candid Conversations, connecting esteemed photographers with rising stars in their field, Christian joins fellow Canon Ambassador Marc Albiac in conversation. Marc, who was Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year winner in 2014, is also a biology student and shares an interest in conservation. The two talked from their homes – Marc from Barcelona and Christian from southern Germany, near Lake Constance, where he recently moved after 15 years living mainly in Panama.