
XF/XA NTSC / PAL Conversion Upgrade

Expand your frame rate options

Expand the performance and creativity of your XF and XA camcorder by upgrading frame rates to 1080/60i, 1080/30P, 1080/24P, 720/60P and 720/24P. These upgrades are part of Canon’s NTSC/PAL switchable service.

Pricing guide

This service is available from Canon Service & Repair Centres

Pricing from Canon Service & Repair Centres*: [DE]€498,8, [FR]€516, [IT]€524,6, [RU]36000 ₽, [SE]5275 kr, [UK]£450

* All prices include VAT and return shipping. Pricing excludes inbound shipping.

CPS Members can take advantage of the Fast Track turnaround times appropriate to their membership level.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

This service is available from Canon Professional Service Centres.
Click to find your nearest one.

Canon Professional Services

Members get access to CPS Priority Support, both locally and at major events; a priority Fast Track repair service; and — depending on your level of membership — free back-up equipment loans plus return shipping and discounts on maintenance. They can also enjoy exclusive members’ offers.


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