The ‘instant staple remover’ overcomes business challenges

Homnia is a notary office. The 47 employees and 15 notaries are split between 2 sites (in Villeurbanne and Lyon). The organisation's multidisciplinary teams support and advise all professionals and individuals in all areas of notarial practice.


Faster document scanning

Comfortable and practical to use

Higher quality scanning, the documents are no longer torn when the staples are removed

Fun to use, a new way to remove staples

"The employees who were able to use the Instant Staple Remover all welcomed it and used it with a big smile, it was like having a new toy."

instant staple remover

Context of the case

When Homnia decided to relocate their site and outsource their document storage, the employees at Villeurbanne were prompted to ensure their files were organised for vertical filing and to scan their documents. However, removing staples from documents is tedious, repetitive and can become painful for users.

Concerned for the well-being and comfort of its employees, the company looked for a solution that could both relieve the discomfort that comes with manually removing staples and streamline the scanning process.


Despite having acquired "one of the most powerful scanners on the market" (Canon DR-G2110) according to Sandrine Pignol (Homnia's Executive Director), the firm still lacked equipment that would optimise their scanning process.

The Instant Staple Remover A1 was therefore recommended, as it reduces the risk of MSD*, prevents paper tears and saves a significant amount of time.

The users were relieved and welcomed this new automated system, designed by MAX CO. LTD. and sold worldwide exclusively by Canon.

*(musculoskeletal disorders)

instant staple remover in use


The aim of integrating this equipment was to improve the quality of the staple removal process so that the company could benefit from an accelerated digital workflow and provide more comfort to users.

In fact, manual staple removal led to many issues, including poor scanning quality (due to paper tearing when the staple was removed) or hand pain for employees.

With this Instant Staple Remover, you can automatically remove staples from documents of up to 30-pages thick at the touch of a button.

Benefits of the proposed solution

Thanks to the Instant Staple Remover A1, Homnia can now cope with larger volumes of document scanning for a wide variety of documents, all with improved processing quality.

This has resulted in a smoother and more productive digital process.

In addition, the equipment is easy to use and did not require any special training for users. "We just have to pay attention to the thickness of the document", explains Sandrine Pignol.

According to Clémence Prohaszka, an employee at Homnia, "it's less tiring and kinder on your hands at the end of the day. It's a real relief."

Instant Staple Remover-A1

The addition of an optional footswitch could be considered to further improve comfort when using the product.

"Staple removal could be more comfortable in terms of posture, but the simple-to-use Instant Staple Remover A1 is always more pleasant than the traditional little pliers."

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