RFID – a cornerstone of office security?
Working from home has become the norm for many employees, but just because you’re at home, doesn’t mean you can relax from a security perspective. Read on for some of my top tips on how to keep yourself safe in your home office:
If you’re working from home, that probably means you’ll be printing at home. But be aware that your home printer is unlikely to have the security features provided by your corporate printers. While there might be only you and your family in the house, remember that if your printer is connected to the internet, it's more vulnerable to potential attack. You still need to ensure that your network is private and can only be accessed with a secure password (not 12345).
The other consideration is secure disposal of documents. Just like you shouldn’t throw your bank statements whole into the outdoor bins, you shouldn’t be doing that with your company paperwork. Make sure to shred or burn anything confidential once you’re ready to get rid of it.
Working from home might mean donning your relaxed-wear, whether that’s jogging bottoms or even your pyjamas, but that doesn’t mean you can relax the company policies. Only use company provided applications, networks and cloud locations. As tempting as it can be, avoid free cloud software tools for collaboration and storage which have not been vetted by your organisation. They might be simple to use, but they may not be secure.
If you take only one thing away from this article, it should be this: if you’re working from home, make sure that you have a clear understanding of how to maintain the same level of security, whether you’re in the four walls of the office or on your sofa.