Canon streaming kits
Go live with Canon
تطبيق Live Switcher Mobile من Canon
للاستمتاع ببث بكاميرات متعددة والتحكم اللاسلكي من جهازك المحمول مباشرةً.
USB Video Conferencing Kits
For business professionals working from home. Friends catching up and families meeting virtually. Turning your EOS or PowerShot camera into a video conference webcam is what you need to stay connected.
HDMI Live Streaming Kits
For the vloggers, gamers and enthusiast live streamers, the HDMI live streaming solutions are best for you. Each kit promises improved image quality and audio through the camera or external microphone.
Setting up your USB kits step by step
How to setup your Canon camera for video conferences
Upgrade your webcam with a Canon camera and the EOS Webcam Utility software for improved video conferencing experiences. In this video, our Photography and Video Specialist, Gonçalo Rodrigues, takes you through the steps.
Canon USB video conferencing kits
Upgrade your current webcam with the Canon video conferencing kits for improved image quality.
Setting up your HDMI kits step by step
How to setup your Canon camera for live streaming
Connect with friends, gamers and followers through our HDMI live streaming kits. In this video, our Photography and Video Specialist, Gonçalo Rodrigues, shows you how to setup your Canon camera step by step.
Canon HDMI live streaming kits
Discover Canon’s range of HDMI live streaming kits. Helping you stay connected wherever you are in the world.
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III
مثالية لمدوني مقاطع الفيديو والأشخاص الذين يبثون محتواهم مباشرةً ومؤتمرات الفيديو والمدونين. كاميرا مزودة بإمكانية اتصال وتلتقط مقاطع فيديو وصورًا رائعة ستنال إعجاب متابعيك.
حلول البث باستخدام UVC/UAC
مقالات ذات الصلة
استكشف هذه المقالات لمعرفة المزيد عن البث باستخدام Canon.
Canon cameras for vlogging
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