Canon Contacts

Please find below the contact details of the Canon partner responsible for the country you are looking for.

Burkina Faso

Company DIACFA Librairie
Address 627 Rue de l Hotel de ville 01BP1177
Burkina Faso
Telephone 00226 50 306354
Company Type Authourized Service Partner & Sales Partner
Product categories Office
Activities Calculator, InkJet & Laser Printer, InkJet & Laser Fax, InkJet & laser MFP, Scanner,Collection point for photo video products

For more region information, please contact the Canon Regional Headquarters

Company Canon Central and North Africa
Address Regional Sales Organization
Canon Building
P.O. Box: 500 007
United Arab Emirates
Telephone (+ 971) 4-391-50-50
Fax (+ 971) 4-391-67-15
Company type Regional Sales Organization
Activities All products

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